A Spring of Hope
Hello friends and fellow musicians.
As the weather warms up and we begin to emerge into the world, there is hope. Stone Soup was forced to abandon our 2020 calendar, but we are feeling encouraged that we can get something to happen in 2021. While we will not be able to put together a spring concert this year, it’s looking promising that we can put something together for the fall. We are tentatively hoping to be able to start rehearsals in May 2021. I’ll be sure to keep you posted.
In light of this new hope, we have decided to publish a repertoire for the fall. At the very least, having some music to work on at home (for now) will give us all a chance to remember how to play our instruments.
I recommend that our musicians take a look at the Repertoire page and print their parts. Work on them at home and get your chops back before we meet up again.
There are reference recordings to remind you what these pieces sound like.
I look forward to making music with you again soon.
Rob Adams