About the Stone Soup Symphony

Rob Adams, President
Ed Meisner, Conductor
The Stone Symphony…
…is a non-profit 501(c)(3) community orchestra based in Hackettstown, New Jersey.
We provide local musicians a fun, non-competitive environment where they can learn, grow, and perform music together for their community.
We are an adult group with musicians of all ages, and generally accept members of high-school age and up.
Established in 1998 by George Akehurst and Bob Pomicter.
Support the Arts!
If you believe, as we do, that our mission of making symphonic music accessible to the public and to community musicians is important and worthwhile, please consider clicking the “Donate” button on the left. Help us to keep classical music alive.
We support students with a scholarship!
Click HERE for more information about the George Akehurst Scholarship Award.
Join Us!
The Stone Soup Symphony is always looking for musicians to come and join us!
If you are interested in playing with us, please email music@StoneSoupSymphony.org
or call 908-509-1047.
Feel free to drop by a rehearsal any Wednesday night! See our guidelines for new members here.
Bylaws of the Stone Soup Symphony.
List of Officers
Miscellaneous documentation.
Meeting Minutes
As a guide for our musicians, here is our “official” concert dress code.
To reach the Stone Soup Symphony, please contact Rob Adams, President at…
Mail may be addressed to: